Indigo, a leading provider of assistive technology solutions in Australia, approached Anthologie to conduct a UX review of their geat2GO platform. This vital platform connects people with disabilities and older adults with last resort funding for the assistive technology and services they need to live independently.

However, prescribers, such as occupational therapists and physiotherapists, were experiencing frustration and challenges with the platform’s usability, leading to errors and dissatisfaction.


  • Understand how geat2GO fits into prescribers’ workflows.
  • Identify opportunities to improve the user experience.
  • Reduce errors and misunderstandings in prescriber’s orders.
  • Understand how the platform changes have impacted user satisfaction.

Our Approach: A Human-Centred, Data-Driven Journey

To achieve these goals, we embarked on a comprehensive UX review process in two parts.

Phase 1: Benchmarking & Recommendations

We began by establishing a baseline understanding of the platform’s usability and user satisfaction. This involved a best practice review of the platform, culminating in a prioritised list of recommendations aimed at enhancing the user experience. The Indigo team embraced these recommendations, integrating them into their development backlog. Over the next few months, they diligently refreshed the geat2GO platform with a focus on improving usability and performance issues.

Phase 2: Measuring Impact & Uncovering Opportunities

A month after the relaunch, Anthologie stepped back in to assess the effectiveness of the new and improved platform. We sought to understand the impact of the changes and uncover further opportunities for optimisation. This phase involved:

Stakeholder Interviews: We conducted in-depth interviews with Indigo clinicians to understand their perspectives on the platform’s challenges and the impact of usability issues on prescribers and clients.

Nationwide Survey: We conducted a nationwide survey of prescribers to gather quantitative data on user satisfaction, identify pain points, and understand barriers to their workflow.

Usability Observation: We conducted observation interviews with prescribers who used the platform more frequently than an average user to observe their interactions with the platform, identify usability challenges, and understand how they navigate and resolve issues.

Solution: Actionable Insights and a Roadmap for Improvement

Our research revealed the UX and performance updates had had a net positive impact on prescribers’ experiences and the platform’s usability challenges. We summarised these findings into a detailed report with prioritised recommendations, grouped by common themes and aligned with Indigo’s existing backlog process.

The recommendations focused on:

  • Addressing bugs that forced users to rely on time-consuming workarounds, enhancing the platform’s reliability for field use
  • Strengthening the Interface to make the platform more intuitively understood
  • Suggestions to introduce features that would increase the efficiency of completing forms

Impact: Empowering Prescribers, Transforming Lives

Our two-part approach allowed us to demonstrate the tangible impact of good UX design on the geat2GO platform. By measuring user satisfaction before and after platform improvements, we helped Indigo prove the value of their investment in UX.

The UX review and subsequent platform improvements resulted in significant positive outcomes:

  • Increased User Satisfaction: 90% of participants in the review reported a 3/5 star satisfaction rating or higher following the implementation of UX recommendations.
  • Improved User Experience: 65% of prescribers identified an improved experience with the platform.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Approximately 40% of survey respondents reported improvements in navigation, search functionality, and product comparison, leading to increased efficiency and reduced errors.

A positive user experience with the geat2GO platform enables prescribers across Australia to provide government-funded products that support older people and people with disabilities in staying mobile, socially-connected, and independent, ultimately boosting their confidence. This project exemplifies Anthologie’s commitment to human-centred design and our passion for creating digital experiences that drive meaningful change.

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