Renowned as one of WA’s leading school for girls, St Hilda’s recognised that the once-traditional models of education needed to change. To be at the forefront of education and equip its students for the workforce of 2030, it embarked on a total reimagining of its teaching models.
This was encompassed in a new strategic plan – St Hilda’s Reimagined. The plan outlines an entirely new business and educational framework, with a vision to ‘Spark Extraordinary Futures’. This reflected the importance of creativity, technology, and interpersonal skills, as well as personalised, self-paced learning.
To bring this ambitious strategic plan to life, we created an emotive brand film and launch collateral that heralded an exciting and future-focussed era for students and staff. This elevated the idea of moments that ‘spark’, and the plan’s five pillars – to shine, thrive, initiate, connect, and evolve.