Renowned as one of WA’s leading school for girls, St Hilda’s recognised that the once-traditional models of education needed to change. To be at the forefront of education and equip its students for the workforce of 2030, it embarked on a total reimagining of its teaching models.

This was encompassed in a new strategic plan – St Hilda’s Reimagined. The plan outlines an entirely new business and educational framework, with a vision to ‘Spark Extraordinary Futures’. This reflected the importance of creativity, technology, and interpersonal skills, as well as personalised, self-paced learning.

To bring this ambitious strategic plan to life, we created an emotive brand film and launch collateral that heralded an exciting and future-focussed era for students and staff. This elevated the idea of moments that ‘spark’, and the plan’s five pillars – to shine, thrive, initiate, connect, and evolve.

The brand film heroes ways in which St Hilda’s is changing the face of learning, in seemingly small but significant moments that ‘spark extraordinary futures’.



For the launch, Anthologie developed a campaign identity and suite of illustrations and promotional materials, including the strategic plan documents.


We presented it to staff and it was received with a round of applause, some were even teary.
Kelly Hasluck Director of School Development, St Hilda's

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